This page contains information and resources for mental health clinicians who work with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population.
Introduction to ASL
Deaf Culture
Deaf People and Mental Health
Language Deprivation & Deaf Mental Health Webinar
Language Deprivation & Deaf Mental Health Blog
Communication ACEs
Crisis Interventions
Pre-Therapy Workbook
Deaf Trauma
Trauma in the Deaf Population
Assessment & Treatment
Problems in Assessment
Communication Strategies
Visual Communication Sheet
What to Expect From an Interpreter
Tips for Working With an Interpreter
Telehealth and Interpreting Services
Suggested Seating Arrangements
Frequently Asked Questions
Clinical articles pertaining to mental health and Deaf individuals, including the impacts of the etiology of deafness, fund of information concerns, language deprivation, and dysfluency
Alabama Department of Mental Health's Recommended Reading List
Additional Recommended Readings